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Her adventures in my eyes Offshaychusmall
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Her adventures in my eyes Offshaychusmall

Her adventures in my eyes

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Her adventures in my eyes Empty Her adventures in my eyes

Post by seaa-swix Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:26 pm

Mia's body shook. Blood began to run down her leg from the open wound in her thigh. Razie lifted his head. Blood seamed to be running from the temple of his head. Mia sighed and slowly struggled to take off her belt. She knew she had to stop the bleeding or attempt to slow it down before it killed her.
"Mia," Razie called. He had stood up and was scanning the area looking for her. Gasping Mia slid the belt under her leg and as tight as she could, she tied the belt around her leg above the wound.
"MIA!" Razie's voice shot out. Sprinting, Razie pushed his way to Mia's side. She was struggling to get the belt tight around her thigh, so Razie gripped the belt and pulled it tighter.
"Thanks Razie," Mia wheezed. Shaking, Razie placed his hands behind her back and under her knees and lifted her up.
"Shut up, and stay alive," he demanded. Weakly, she smiled up to him. she wrapped her arms around his neck and burried her face in his shoulder. She ignored the pain from her leg and passed out in Razie's arms.
Razi had no idea where he would take her. They were two or three miles from the nearest town, and even then, he didn't know if it was still standing.
Fires burned the trees ans smoke filled the air. Horses ran scared amoungest the bodies and the gun fire. Mia's only way of survival would be to get one of those horse.

In my school's passing time, I take the last paper of a notebook and write. This one is in the back of my History (Western Civilization) notebook, so I decided to post it.
Mia is the daughter of my made up character and allias (Seaa Swix) who is the General of the King's army along side her husband, Vox. Mia does not belong in the army but is a civilian spy for them.
Razie is Mia's best friend. He is a master of weapons and also a spy for the King's army. Later him and Mia become lovers. And maybe I'll post that too!

Post Count : 293
Age : 32
Shaycoins : 5801
Registration date : 2009-08-16

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Her adventures in my eyes Empty Re: Her adventures in my eyes

Post by 7 Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:49 am

This is interesting, that's all that needs to be said. I have some issues with some things but it's rude to point them out, so I'll just shut up now.
The Imaginative Warden
The Imaginative Warden

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Registration date : 2008-12-24

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Her adventures in my eyes Empty Re: Her adventures in my eyes

Post by seaa-swix Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:37 pm

issues with some things? like what? its just a random writing... i know there are a billion mistakes in it... or is it something in the context?

Post Count : 293
Age : 32
Shaycoins : 5801
Registration date : 2009-08-16

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